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Eu4 Best Tech Group

Jul 28, 2019  But I you want to take a military idea group, defensive is probably the best for the early game. Morale is a 2 at tech 0, 2.5 at tech 3 and 3 at tech 4 (which combined with the bonus in military tactics, helps a lot to stackwipe similar amies with tech 3 when you have 4) and then the next morale increment through tech is at tech 15 (going to 4). Tech 5-8: Galloglaich Infantry. Tech 9-11: Condotta Infantry. Tech 12-14: Free Shooter Infantry. Tech 15-18: Maurician Infantry. Computational dynamics shabana solution manual. Tech 19-22: Gustavian Infantry (.Highlanders Infantry optional at 19) Tech 23-25: Line Infantry. Tech 26-27: Frederickan Infantry. Tech 30-32: Drill Infantr (if offensive, go Napoleonic Square) CAVALRY.

Creating The Nation

Eu4 Technology Groups

  • The first thing you are going to need to do is come up with two 3-letter codes (also called 'country tag') that's not in use by the game. In this example we will use BRI (and BR2). If you need to check if a combination is in use, simply check the Tag article or your Historycountries folder. This code is used by the game to identify anything related to your country (history, flag, and so forth).
    • One of these tags is for the main country, and the second tag is requires for a revolt faction.
  • To begin, go into your game mod folder. By default this is located in the following location: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonEuropa Universalis Rome
    • Any changes you make should be performed in your mod folder, C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonEuropa Universalis Romemod<modName>
  1. May 27, 2016  EU4 combat simulation must be one of the most complicated formula. General skills, military tech level, morale, terrain, number of troops, combat skills, troops compositions and pips. Pips are represented by how powerful units from that technology group within that period of time, or military tech level. Here are the stat of pips from different tech.
  2. EU4 Mechanics Guide Guide to EU4 DLCs. Client states- special vassals at Diplo tech 22. Religious league wars mechanic and event chain. Can cancel idea group.
  3. Technologygroup: What Technology group your nation is a part of. Your choices are: romantech, seleucidtech, egyptiantech, greektech, carthaginiantech, persiantech, germantech, celtictech, iberiantech, scythiantech. Primaryculture: This is the primary culture for your civilization. You have a LOT of choices.
  • You will notice several sub-folders here. The three we are interested in are: history, gfx, and common. Go ahead and browse around a bit.
  • Once you've gotten a general idea of what's in each folder, go ahead into the Common folder.
  • You will see a bunch of sub-folders and text files.
  • Open up countries.txt in your text editor of choice (Notepad is fine)
  • You will see a bunch of text like the following:
  • Find the part of the world where you want to add your nation to. In our example you could go and add a line to the #Britain section. Try to keep it alphabetical.
  • Great job! Now remember the name of the .txt file you just named in this file.
  • Now go into the countries sub-folder.
  • For now, pick a nation of a similar culture etc. as the nation you want to make, and copy/paste its text file back into the same folder. You should get a name like: Pictii - Copy.txt . Now rename the file to the name of your nation. In the example the text file would be named 'Britain.txt'. This name MUST match the name you put into the countries.txt file before; if it does not, the game will crash on launch.
    • You should also repeat the process for the 'Britain Revolt.txt'.
  • For now we are going to leave the contents of this file alone. We can change it later to suit your nation (see part 4 below).
  • Great. Your nation now kinda exists. Of course it's not in the game yet, it has no flag, and has no history! Let's try to rectify this a bit.
  • Let's go ahead and go back to the C:Program FilesParadox InteractiveEuropa Universalis Rome folder and head into the gfx sub-folder.
  • Once there go into the flags sub-folder. Now let's go ahead and copy/paste the PIC.tga file back into its own directory. Let's rename the new file to BRI.tga . (the 3 letters must match the 3 letter combination you came up with before)
    • Likewise, copy PI2.tgs to BR2.tga for the rebels.
  • At this time you can use your favorite graphics editing tool to edit this flag. You could use the free
  • Once you are satisfied with your flag, delete the cache file (per Havard's tip) so there aren't any graphical glitches in the game as a result of the change.
  • Let's go head back to the C:Program FilesParadox InteractiveEuropa Universalis Rome folder.
  • Now that we have a country and a flag let's go ahead and give it some basic history.
  • Go to the C:Program FilesParadox InteractiveEuropa Universalis Romehistorycountries folder. Similar to what you've done before copy/paste a similar countries file, and rename it to: BRI - Britain.txt - Yes you can have spaces in the name file.
    • Repeat to create BR2 - Britain Revolt.txt
  • Go ahead into the file. Change the values to what you want them to be. I made mine very simple for now, although I will adjust it more later in the guide.
  • For the Capital you'll have to go into the C:Program FilesParadox InteractiveEuropa Universalis Romehistoryprovinces folder and get the number of the province you want to be the PREFERRED capital of your nation. If this is a revolting nation or one that can be released as a vassal, the capital may end up in a different location, so don't be surprised to see it that way.
  • Great, now your country has its starting technology, government, capital, and religion.
  • Now we have one final step to do. Go into C:Program FilesParadox InteractiveEu3localisation . You will see several files. Open countries.csv in either Notepad or Excel. Excel will be faster but you CAN use notepad if you must. NOTE: Do not use OpenOffice Calc. It seems to add characters that mess up the file and will cause EU3 to not work correctly.
  • Do a search for any existing 3 digit code.
  • You'll come to a bunch of entries. Add your 3 digit code to the list alphabetically, keeping the same format. Below is a sample including our entry.
  • What this file does is name your nation in the game. Make sure the name is not too long or text will overlap in game. For example, this nation was originally Great American Caliphate—too long, but change it to American Caliphate and no problems.
  • While you're here, you should go ahead and create an adjective for the nation as well.
  • Find the following in the file:


  • In between Frisian and Gakwari, add the following:

This will make it so there can be things like the Roman-British war etc.

Now save your file. That's it for part 1! Congrats, you have now made your very first country!

Adding the Nation to the Game

  • So now you have your nation created. and good work with that. What's that you say? Your nation doesn't show up in the game? Of course not! It doesn't magically know where its supposed to be!
  • One of the best parts of EU3 is that you can choose any start date for any nation. While this is great for players it can be a real pain for modders. You have to tell EVERY territory about EVERY change a nation has throughout the games history.
  • I'm going to use the same example as part one. Since this is just an example, we are going to actually put GAC in Europe so we don't have to worry about things like Terra Incognita etc.
  • To start with lets go into the C:Program FilesParadox InteractiveEu3historyprovinces folder.
  • Pick a province you want to belong to the American Caliphate. For the example we're going to give them Yorkshire (#259). Go ahead and open that text file now.
  • This file shows the initial values at the beginning. For one that contains changes based on start date, you can see 93 - Rome.txt
  • The most critical portion is to add the owner, controller, and add a core, all set to BRI.
  • You need to add population to an empty provicne, otherwise the game will crash to desktop. A normal value would be '10'.
  • Barbarians cause problems, get rid of them.
  • The final province file should look like this:
  • Now simply rinse and repeat for any province you want your country to start with!
  • Your nation is now in the game! Woohoo!

Adding Events and History to the Nation

  • No dignificnat change from EU3.

Customizing Your Nation

  • From EU3, some elements change.
  • In the commoncountries folder:
    • gender_equality = yes - allows women to full government roles.

Principle 2 1 6.

  • Go ahead an open up the GAC - American Caliphate.txt file in the C:Program FilesParadox InteractiveEu3historycountries folder. If you remember we created this waaaay back in part 1.

Lets go line by line what you can change:

  • government: This determines what form of government your nation starts with. Your choices are: military_republic, aristocratic_republic, oligarchic_republic, democratic_republic, republic_confederacy, dictatorship, theocracy, despotic_monarchy, federal_monarchy, aristocratic_monarchy, military_tribe, religious_tribe, trade_tribe, civic_tribe
  • technology_group: What Technology group your nation is a part of. Your choices are: roman_tech, seleucid_tech, egyptian_tech, greek_tech, carthaginian_tech, persian_tech, german_tech, celtic_tech, iberian_tech, scythian_tech.
  • primary_culture: This is the primary culture for your civilization. You have a LOT of choices.
  • religion: What religion your nation starts as.
  • capital: This is the NUMBER of the province you want to put as your countries preferred capital. Look in your C:Program FilesParadox InteractiveEu3historyprovinces folder for the number.
  • Now lets go ahead and open the C:Program FilesParadox InteractiveEu3commoncountries folder.

External links

This article was adapted from a guide by Strager at Paradoxplaza, and from the EU3 Wiki.

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Poland is one of the more interesting countries to play. It has definite challenges, including aggressive neighbors and adverse events. Nevertheless, Poland is not doomed to disappear and can thrive, particularly when played from the Grand Campaign.

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Domestic Policy Settings1. Advancing Centralization early and often is crucial as future events often include -3 or -5 Centralization plus -3 Stability.2. Advancing Innovation early and often assists in military development, which is important as Poland's tech group takes more investment to progress. Poland begins with the Latin tech group (the best tech group) but then has the Orthodox tech group once Lithuania has been inherited.3. Improving Land and Quality can somewhat compensate for a lower Military rating than opponents. Poland does receive its share of good generals.

Expansion1. In the early game, acquiring one or more of the neighboring Germany provinces is desirable (e.g. Moravia, Silesia, Brandenburg, Danzig) to develop a buffer around the core Polish provinces and thwart agressive expansion by neighbors. Also, one of these provinces can be ceded later on if Poland needs to desperately conclude a war with a Teutonic neighbor.2. Make my usb bootable software. Maintain good relations/alliance with Lithuania so the preconditions for an annextion are in place in the late 1500s.3. Targeting Russia in the early game will add some provinces and hopefully hobble what could be a very powerful adversary later on.

Investment PrioritiesIf Poland is at peace, its income will grow over time. Good investment options:1. Build up fortresses in key provinces. Poland is vulnerable to simultaneous invasion from multiple opponents.2. Invest in Fine Arts academies in core provinces. This will assist with population growth and rebuilding Stability.3. Poland generally cannot afford to invest in Navies and Colonies.

Alliances1. In the earlier game, an alliance with Austria or Russia is desirable. Poland must avoid facing Austria, Russia, Sweden, and Brandenburg at the same time. 2. If Poland is successful, an alliance with a strong France in the mid to later game can be a major benefit, particularly if Russia is weak and Austria is the main threat.3. An alliance with Sweden and/or the Ottoman Empire can assist in thwarting Russian expansion.

Poland can be very challenging, but it can also be quite rewarding to overcome the many obstacles and negative events.

Eu4 Best Tech Group Limited

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